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Q: What is a normal measurement of fresh water conductivity?
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Why do oceanographers take measurement of the conductivity of seawater?

Conductivity can be used to calculate the salinity of the water.

What is the scientific measurement for water?

The answer depends on what characteristic of water you wish to measure: its density, thermal conductivity, refractive index or whatever.

Does salt water contain more salt then fresh water?

Yes, it is normal.

Which is worse to open your eyes in normal water or chlorine water?

Chlorine water. Normal fresh water is good and it cleanses your eyes. But chlorine water is fine as long as there's not to much in the pool your eyes may sting and go red afterwards so just splash them with fresh normal water

Why would the bath water have electrical conductivity?

Pure water has extremely low conductivity but any dissolved salts in the water increase its conductivity. Sea water with 3% salt has a high conductivity of 5 S/m.

What is the unit of conductivity of dm water?

Unit of dm water conductivity is microsiemens/cm

Is the red sea salt or fresh water?

The red sea is normal salt water sea.

Which conductivity of water is better Either low conductivity of water is better or high conductivity of water is better?

Low conductivity is better if you don't want electricity to pass. High conductivity is better if you do want electricity to pass. Also, water itself is actually an insulator (very low conductivity) but the impurities in water can be great conductors. Pure water will stop electric flow, but it is very difficult (outside of a lab) to get truly pure water.

Why is the conductivity of purified water not zero?

conductivity is not zero because water itself has ions i.e. H+ & OH- so conductivity cannot be zero. even if you use EDI still some conductivity will be left it will be almost negligible but still conductivity will be there.

Which factor do oceanographers measure in order to determine the salinity of ocean water?

One reason is to teste the buoyancy of the water and density. Another reason is to test how the sea life is doing. Some marine animals can't live in salt water and some can't live in fresh water. They test the salinity to test if the water is suitable for life

What is conductivity and pH value of dm water?

ph of DM water is 6.5 to 7.1 conductivity of Dm water is near 000

What would happen if you placed a normal body cell into fresh water?

it cause it to swell