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Q: What is a noticeable blanching or lightening of color in the stoma may indicate?
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What causes pallor or blanching?

Blanching when cooking, is scalding vegetables and then putting them in ice water to preserve color. Blanching concerning health is the loss of color in skin due to transient ischemia.

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Is lightening an adjective?

It can be (lightening hair, lightening loads, lightening skies).It is the present participle of the verb to lighten, meaning to make lighter, either in color or weight. Lightening (not lightning) may be a verb, noun, or adjective.

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How do you use the word lightening in a sentence?

His constant cleaning was actually lightening the color of the sidewalk.The hikers saved time by lightening their packs and carrying only the essentials.(* the aerial electric discharge from clouds is spelled lightning)

What is Raynaud's disease and how do you assess for it?

Changes in skin color are the best signs, and the symptoms from the patient that indicate sensitivity to cold. What is most noticeable are the pale coloring, or even bluish, of the ears, nose, lips, hands and feet.

Does sun exposure affect the color of your hair by lightening it?

yes, on certain conditions such as you indirectly getting the lightit will slightly darken the color but dont worry it willl go back to normal in awhile . its barely noticeable.

How does blanching work chemically?

The thermal shock in blanching brings about different chemical changes. Chemical changes include the release of robust acids found in vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli. Blanching immediately stops the cooking process and allows the retention of certain nutrients. It boosts color, making the appearance of blanched food look shiny and bright. It deactivates enzymes and kills microorganisms

What is blanching?

In cooking terms blanching means to quickly cook the outside of vegatables, by placing them in boiling water for about 3-4 minutes.Then put them in an ice bath, drain them, and then you can freeze them.When you take them out of the freezer they are as fresh as the day you bought them.

Why is the nucleolus most noticeable?

Because it is dark in color. It is in nucleus

When blanching foods does salt affect the color?

When doing any type of canning or perserving, do not use regular table salt, which can alter the color. Instead use canning salt or sea salt.

What color flower is most noticeable on roadside?

purple , red and yellow