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A noun that shows ownership using an apostrophe is a possessive noun.

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Q: What is a noun that shows ownership and contains an apostrophe?
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What is a noun that shows ownership and uses a apostrophe?

Some nouns that show ownership using an apostrophe are "couch's, house's, equation's", etc.

What is a noun that shows ownership and ends in apostrophe?

A possessive noun. Sally's car, Justin's wife, and Esmeralda's fur coat, for example.

How do you check possessive nouns?

A possessive noun shows ownership. Add an apostrophe and s ('s) to a singular noun. Add s and an apostrophe (s') to a plural noun. Add an apostrophe and s ('s) to irregulare plural nouns. I hope this helps you.

What is the contraction for Barry is?

There is not a contraction for "Barry is". A common misconception would be to but "Barry's" but adding apostrophe "s" after a noun shows ownership.

What is apostrophe in parts of speech?

An apostrophe is a symbol followed by an 's',or standing by itself after a noun ending in 's' ,and which expresses ownership by the said noun.

What is the plural noun that shows ownership for the word ponies?

Ponies is already a plural noun. Ownership would be indicated with an apostrophe at the end, e.g. ponies'. For example, a water trough that is used for more than one pony would be the ponies' water trough.

what is part of speech of it?

It is a pronoun. It replaces a noun. Its is a possessive pronoun. It replaces a noun and its shows ownership.

Is the word car a example of a possessive noun?

No, the word car is a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for a thing.A possessive noun shows ownership by adding an apostrophe s to the end of the word or, if the word already ends with an s, add an apostrophe after the ending s.The possessive for for the noun car is car's. Example use:The car's bumper was cracked.

What is a form of noun that shows ownership?

It called Possessive

What is the noun that requires an apostrophe in the sentence Several investors questions were answered?

investor's The apostrophe s shows possession

What is a apostrophe followed by the letter s is used to make the contracted form of the verb?

No, an apostrophe is used to form contractions (they'll) and to show ownership (Bob's kite).Possessive nouns are the words that show ownership by adding an apostrophe 's' to the end of the word or just an apostrophe after the 's' at the end of a plural noun.

Do you need to use an apostrophe when showing ownership to the word bosses?

An apostrophe is needed: the bosses' profits = the profits of all the bosses the boss's profits = the profits of the boss When the noun is plural, the apostrophe goes at the end of the word. When the noun is singular, the apostrophe goes after the word, before the s. Hope this helps.