

What is a nutrionalist?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What is a nutrionalist?
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How can a middle aged woman lose belly fat?

It is not easy for most people, regardless of age to lose belly fat. You will need to watch your calories and carbs, eat lots of fiber and protein and work out. A nutrionalist can give you a diet plan fit for you.

What food can I add to my diet to avoid a heart attack?

It's probably less about adding things to your diet, than removing things from your diet. Start with asking your doctor and then seek a nutrionalist for more information. Be prepared by recording what you eat for a week or two before seeing them so they can make some recommendations on the first visit.

What foods are not considered as healthy foods and why?

Well most foods are healthy just that some food have a lot of sugar in them. Fruit and Veg are the main healthy food but cakes and chocolate are high in sugar. if fry the food is going to have more fat but if you grill it will have less fat

What diet should be given to an emphysema patient?

Diet rules are the same for well people as they are for sick people. Consider the basics or the rule of thumb for all eating habits regardless of disorder. There isn't a specific diet used to treat emphysema patients, but living a healthier lifestyle in general makes the body stronger. Some tips I would suggest are; 1. low sodium - sodium or salt is an osmotic nutrient that by name sake draws fluid inwards, and this increases the build up fluid in the body. As emphysema patients have already got that concern, it is wise to prevent making matters worse. 2. six small meals in place of three large meals - this helps maintain a steady source of energy throughout the day and prevents peaks and drops in patients calorific field. As emphysema patients are oxygen deficient, they need all the additional oxygen sources they can get, maintaining steady levels of calories in the body prevents oxygen stores being depleted over time. 3. high healthy calorie diet - gain calorific energy from natural foods and not chemical stimulants, such as coffee or white sugar. Serve meals with equal parts of vegetable, natural carbohydrates (i.e. potato) and meat. Reduce high salt and high sugar sauces and condiments. The best way to do all of this is with help from a nutrionalist, if you can find one. Otherwise be natural and stay natural, refrain from manufactured or processed foods as much as you can afford.

Binge weight gain?

I think a lot of Binge eating disorders come from emotional eating this can be controled with self discipline but that does not work out for everyone. If you feel you have a Bingn eating order that you cannot control you should seek the help of a Dr or nutrionalist. They can help you with diet control and also get you something to help control the cravings. Binge eating disorder is probably the most common eating disorder. Most people with this problem are either overweight or obese,* but normal-weight people also can have the disorder. About 2 percent of all adults in the United States (as many as 4 million Americans) have binge eating disorder. About 10 to 15 percent of people who are mildly obese and who try to lose weight on their own or through commercial weight-loss programs have binge eating disorder. The disorder is even more common in people who are severely obese. Binge eating disorder is a little more common in women than in men; three women for every two men have it. The disorder affects blacks as often as whites. No one knows how often it affects people in other ethnic groups. People who are obese and have binge eating disorder often became overweight at a younger age than those without the disorder. They might also lose and gain back weight (yo-yo diet) more often. # eat much more quickly than usual during binge episodes # eat until they are uncomfortably full # eat large amounts of food even when they are not really hungry # eat alone because they are embarrassed about the amount of food they eat # feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating.