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Q: What is a period before a seizure?
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What is the post-itcal state of seizure?

The period of time after the seizure has ended. POST (after), ICTAL (seizure). Can last anywhere from minutes to days.

What term is used for the period just before a seizure begins when an animal may act restless or nervous?

The period just before a seizure begins, when an animal might appear restless or nervous, is known as the "aura." The best thing to do for a seizing pet is to make sure there is nothing they could bump into or get hurt on. Be sure to videotape the seizure so the vet can be shown the video. When the pet has finished seizing, take him or her to the vet immediately.

What is Pre-Ictus?

Pre- means before. Ictus means a sudden event such as a stroke, seizure, collapse, or faint So, Pre-Ictus is the period before such an event.

You just had a seizure should you go to the emergency room?

If someone has never had a seizure before, he/she needs to go to the ER for evaluation. If the person has had a seizure before, he/she needs to follow the direction of the doctor that treats the seizures.

What is the medical term meaning after a seizure or attack?

The medical term for after a seizure or attack is "postictal state." It refers to the period of altered consciousness and behavior that can occur following a seizure or neurological event. Symptoms can include confusion, fatigue, headache, or memory loss.

What happens after having a petit mal seizure?

A petit mal seizure lasts 15-20 seconds. When it ends, the individual resumes whatever he or she was doing before the seizure began, will not remember the seizure, and may not realize that anything unusual happened.

What is Todd's paralysis?

Todd's paralysis is a brief period of paralysis that occurs in the aftermath of a seizure.

What could the reason be for a seizure after 10 months of being seizure free?

That question cannot really be answered. Different people have different causes for their epilepsy and their seizures. So what causes a seizure after a long period of time is different for each individual.

What should you record following a seizure?

When it happened. How long it lasted. The type of seizure. How the person felt before and after the seizure. Did they have an aura? Any potential reasons for the seizure. If you are the person who has had the seizure, some of the information can obviously only be got by someone who saw the seizure, so you will need to talk to them. If no one saw it, just record what you know. If you are recording details of another person's seizure, then you will need to get some information from them.

What is aura regarding seizures?

Many people with Epilepsy experience an aura before a seizure starts. An aura is normally a sensation that a seizure is potentially coming, or the first stage of a seizure. Sometimes nothing happens after the aura and a full seizure does not actually happen. The nature of an aura can vary from person to person.

What is an absence?

An absence seizure is a brief period of unconsciousness (usually 5-10 seconds) when a person appears to be daydreaming or "spacing out." They do not fall over the are just unconscious and completely unaware of what is going on around them for that amount of time. After the seizure, they can feel disoriented so just comfort them and tell them what they missed.

Right before you have seizure you have difficult time walking why?

As a seizure begins to take hold it affects the brain and how you function. So naturally things will not be as normal. If you happen to be walking as a seizure starts, then it will affect that. It is just a sign for you that a seizure is starting. If you were sitting down when it is beginning, you might have other noticeable events. Whenever a seizure starts, no matter what you are doing, it is going to affect you in some way.