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Q: What is a person called who refuses to take up arms?
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How do you help an elderly person get up from a chair?

You take their arms and elbows and help lift them to their feet.

Who is a person called when they take pictures with a special machine to take pictures of bones?

This person is called a X-Ray technician

Who was at fault in the world?

There are some who would answer this question as: Every person who fails, or refuses, to give at least as much as they take from that which is the provenience of all - and harm no other in the doing.

What is a person called when they can take over another persons body if that person is sleeping?

Over take

If the person you cosigned for refuses to pay on the car loan after a year and a half can the cosigner take over payments and get possession of the car?

Only if they are a joint title holder of the vehicle.

What is the meaning of hug?

A hug is when somebody opens their arms, and wraps them round you and shows affection, love, support, or care A hug is an act of affection between two (or more, called group hugs) people where you wrap your arms around another.

What would happen when someone refuses to take his shoes off in an airport?

Taking your shoes off in the airport is not optional for safety reasons. If a person refuses, they would be led to a private room and have to consent to a more thorough search of their self and their belongings. Overall, it would cause them more time and stress if they refused to take off their shoes.

What do you call someone who refuses to take a required oath?


What is it called when you take a person to court?

It is called suing. You sue someone.

What is it called to take a person to court?

It is called suing. You sue someone.

Are you supposed to give your signature to the officer that delivers a summons to you?

Whether or not a signature is required is determined by local law and custom. In jurisdictions where a signature is required, and the person summoned refuses to sign, the issuing officer may take the person into custody and take them immediately before a magistrate.

How do tie a person up?

Get some rope and tape. Find a kid. Take the kid. Tie his legs and arms. Gag him.