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a social worker

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Q: What is a person called who works for the state to represent abused children?
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A person who likes to be abused?

this is called a masochist. generally masochists have a history of abuse as children

Who are the victims of an abusive relationship?

The person being abused and any children who are there to witness it are victims.

What does protecting individuals for abuse mean?

Protecting individuals from abuse means you protect someone from being physically abused, verbally abused, emotionally abused or sexually abused. These forms of abuse are more vulnerable towards children. A social workers job is to stop children from being abused in any kind of way and protect them from coming into contact with that person that is abusing them.

When a cyclops and humans have children what are they called?

The offspring of a cyclops and humans are typically referred to as half-cyclops or demicyclopes.

Can domestic abuse and Stockholm Syndrome collide Meaning can feeling guilty while being abused be called Stockholm Syndrome?

An abused person can identify with their abuser. The abuse itself would not be called Stockholm Syndrome. How the abused feels about the abuser would be Stockholm Syndrome.

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A person who loves children is called?


The children born to a person?

the people born to a person is called a progeny

Why should children's rights be protected?

Children rights's should be protected because when children are young they can often be abused , if there were no rights for children that would mean that the person who is harming them would be allowed to get away with it , for this to not happen children's should be protected to help them live a happy life .

A group of people who have elected someone else to represent them is called what?

A group of people who have elected someone else to represent them is called an incumbency. This person will serve as an official post.

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When a abused person leaves and the abuser goes straight into another relationship will the abuser still try to get back at them?

I have been abused by my so called husband and when i left, till today he has never tryied to even call.