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The term "suspect" is still used when there is some evidence the person was involved. The term "person of interest" is used when authorities want to interview someone that could be a potential suspect, a witness, or who may have some information pertaining to the crime.

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It is generally understood to mean that that person is a suspect in the crime - but the police just don't have enough evidence to arrest them yet.

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Q: What is a person of interest mean in a police investigation?
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Can a person be arrested if the are considered a person of interest?

A person of interest is not yet a suspect but the police has interest in talking to them for various reasons, i.e. they knew the victim, they were at a specific place, etc... when a crime occurs, the police wants to gather as much information about it as they can and being a person of interest doesn't necessarily mean that the police is suspicious of them. Not yet anyway. Now, if a person is arrested, it means that the police may have found something about them that could link them to a crime. They are no longer a person of interest but become a suspect.

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An apb or "All points bulletin" means every police officer is keeping an eye out for the person concerned. There will be questions to be asked of that person when they are apprehended, in order to help the police investigation.

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A dirty rotten person. It can mean a criminal, since police use it on television shows. It also means you're lazy.

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The term is usually used to mean a person who is not a police officer that regularly gives information about crimes to the police.

What does final case status mean?

In the case of a police investigation - it means that a final result has been attained and the case has been resolved insofar as the criminal investigation is concerned. In a couirt-related document - it means the case is closed usually, by an adjudication of the court.

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Yes. If you are arrested by police, you are then in police custody. Custody can simply mean a few minutes in handcuffs, or days in jail, but during that time, the police are responsible for your health and welfare.

What does POH mean to police?

Police Officer Hold. When the police take a person to a facility such as the hospital when they feel they are unstable mentally. usually suicidal people are taken POH.