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Q: What is a person who makes a home in a foreign country called?
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Person who makes a home in a foreign country?

The term for a person living in a country of which he or she is not a citizen is "resident alien." They might also be considered an immigrant if the idea is to stay permanently and (eventually) sever citizenship to the country of origin. Short term, the person is a visitor.

Why is the president is the most powerful person in the country?

Many believe that running the world's most powerful country makes the president the most powerful person in the world.

What kind of study that makes any country makes a visa for a foreign?

Mount Fuji

What makes a country independent?

A nation is independent when it is not owned or controlled by another nation.

What is a person who makes and sells sweets called?

The person that makes and sells sweets is called a confectioner.

The person who makes more spelling mistakes is called?

the person who makes spelling mistakes is called cacographer.

One Who makes or sells saddles?

A person who makes saddles would be called a Saddler.

What is a person called who makes things out of stone?

A person who makes things out of stone is called a stonemason or a stone carver.

A legal process that makes a foreign-born person a citizen of the US?

for the us is migrating

What is the word for a person who makes whiskey?

A person who makes whiskey is called a distiller.

What is a person who makes idols from stone called?

A person who makes idols from stone is called a stone sculptor or a stone carver.

What do you call a person who makes gold ornaments called?

He's called artisan (a craftsperson). Answered by capt. yunus alam.