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Q: What is a person who pedals a rickshaw called?
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What is a person called that rides a cheetah or a cheetah carriage?

a cheetah jockey and a person that rides a cheetah carriage is called a cheetah rick, cheetah rickshaw,cheetah rickshaweror a cheetah rickshaw driver or a broccoli

A small two-wheeled for one passenger pulled by one person?

A small two-wheeled vehicle that seats one passenger and is pulled by a single person is called a rickshaw. A rickshaw may be pulled by a person that runs or walks in front of the vehicle, or it may be a cycle rickshaw that looks like the front half is made of a bicycle.

What is a human powered taxi called?

A rickshaw

An Asian passenger cart drawn by a person?


How does the rickshaw used in china?

A rickshaw is a wheeled cart that someone sits in and is pulled either by a person walking or cycling source: been there

What is the Chinese bike taxi called?

Bicycle rickshaw

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What is an oriental 2 wheeled carriage called?


What is a person called that rides a cycle or a cycle rickshawis a beef thief also called?

cycle rick,cycle rickshawer and a cycle rickshaw jockey or cycle rickshawist

Why are bicycles called pushbikes?

The earliest forms of bicycles did not have pedals, they were pushed along by the feet of the seated person.

What is a person called that rides a horse and cart?

He or she is called either the "driver" or in some show rings like Saddlebreds and Shetland ponies the person is called "the whip".

What has 2 wheels and is pulled by a person?

Rickshaw see related link