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Q: What is a physical security countermeasure Maintain possession of your CAC at all times Never transmit classified information over a fax machine Scan all email?
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Which of the following is physical secruity countermeasure?

Which of the following is a physical security countermeasure?a. Maintain possession of your CAC at all timesb. Never transmit classified information over a fax machinec. Scan all email attachments before opening them.d. Delete email from senders you do not know.

What is an example of a physical security countermeasure?

Maintain possession of your CAC at all timescover and deception

Are security infractions involve actions that may place classified information or operations at risk?

Yes, security infractions involve actions that can potentially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of classified information or operations, thus putting them at risk. It is important to address and mitigate these infractions to maintain the security of such sensitive information and activities.

What is Possession-is-nine-points-of-the-law?

It means that ownership is easier to maintain if one has possession of something, or difficult to enforce if one has not

Why are sports called sports?

Sports are classified into invasion games and net, wall, or racket games. The main principle of an invasion game or sport is to maintain the possession of the ball. On the other hand, the principle of a racket game is to out-maneuver the opponent.

Why is information classified?

Information is classified to protect national security, safeguard sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access or misuse, and maintain confidentiality. Classification helps ensure that information is only accessed by authorized individuals and helps prevent risks such as espionage, cyberattacks, and other security threats.

How do you maintain information system?

information system are maintain according to the organization requirement

Why should the government withhold information to the public?

The government may withhold information to protect national security, safeguard sensitive intelligence, maintain diplomatic relations, or ensure public safety. There may be concerns about revealing classified information that could jeopardize ongoing operations or endanger individuals.

How to maintain and verify routing information?

To maintain and verify routing information use the show version command.

Is it incomplete if a receiver catches the ball in the air and loses possession when he lands on the ground?

Yes. According to the (new) NFL rules a receiver must maintain possession of the ball all the way to the ground.

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What is the distance you should maintain behind a vehicle which is not classified as a emergency vehicle?

one car length for each 10mph