

What is a pig s thigh?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is a pig s thigh?
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What is hamful?

Ham is the meat usually taken from the thigh of a pig and used for food.

Where does the bakon come from on the pig?

It is the thigh or stomach of a pig which is either salted and smoked, or dried before being sliced thin and cooked.

What part of the body does ham come from a pig?

Ham is traditionally produced from the hind (rear) legs.

What part of a pig is pork chop?

any part from the shoulders to the thigh :) -Savannah b Moore xoxo

A word that begins with s for a pig?

A word for a pig is swine.

What is a pig sty?

It is part of a pig`s butt..... for real.

What could a hard lump on the side of your thigh mean?

If you are diabetic and you inject yourself in your thigh(s),scar tissue can build up leaving a hard lump there.

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How do you cook a pig on crazy was to cook?

You can boil the pig 's meat and you can also just fry the pig's meat with other vegetables .

Tips for a new owner to have guinea pigs?

* Treat your guinea pig(s) kindly at all times * Try to hold your pig(s) everyday for at least 1/2 an hour * give your guinea pigs the ability to explore everyday by giving them floor time * always have fresh food and water available to your pig(s) (i.e hay, kibble) * Tell your guinea pig(s) you love them everyday, they won't understand a word your saying, but they will find the sound of your voice calming * Always keep your pig(s) well groomed and brushed * Give your pig(s) fresh fruits and vegetables everyday * Keep your guinea pig(s) cages as clean as possible * always keep an eye on the health of your guinea pig(s), and take them to a vet if you observe any kind of symptom of illness * check your pig's jaw(s) everyday by running your fingers around it for bumps or lumps * Check your pig's skin for lesions or sores everyday * Always remember that your guinea pig will not live forever and to cherish everyday you have with your beloved pet

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