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i sweat between my top inside legs i take 150 thyroxine for 20 odd years

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Q: What is a pill that makes you sweat?
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Yes I forget the pill name but there's a pill that makes you sweat a lot and pee a lot just make sure to drink water with ith and it gets it out of your body within 3 days

What is the sweat gland duct?

that would be the thing that makes you sweat, haha.

Why does sweat make you itch?

Your sweat makes you itch as the particles stick to your skin, this creates a bubble in which the gas makes you itch

What makes sweat?

Seat glands create sweat based on the body temperature.

Why do fat women stink?

Fat people sweat and sweat makes u stink

Why does Coka cola make you sweat?

Coffee facilitates the production of acetylcholine and that makes you sweat rivers.

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Is orienteering an aerobic sport?

the fact that it makes you sweat

Is there a medication used to treat hand fungi caused by sweat?

TECHNICALLY, SWEAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE FUNGAS. Sweat makes the area of your skin more hospitable to fungi by keeping it damp and warm, where a fungas likes to live. To get rid of the fungas, there are prescription anti-fungal creams that you can get from your doctor. Anti-fungals also come in pill form, injection, powder and liquid suspensions. Ask your healthcare professional for proper treatment.....<<<ADR>>>

Does Higher humidity makes you sweat more?

Yes. You perspire to lose heat- from the evaporation of the sweat. In high humidity, sweat evaporates poorly, so you sweat more (because you are cooled less).