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Q: What is a pipe that carries water to cities and farm?
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What does a column pipe in a water well do?

Unless you mean the pipe that carries water to the surface, I can't imagine what you are referring to. .

Which would corrode more quickly a pipe that carries cold water or one that carries hot water?

the heat from hot water will heat the pipe, loosening the bonds between the molecules in the pipe and allowing for more oxygen molecules to enter, creating more rust much faster. cold water will do the opposite; it will make the bonds tighter and allow LESS oxygen in.

What is the definition of volcano pipe?

A pipe that carries magma inside a volcano.

How is water suspended in cities?

By a shut off valve connecting it to the main pipe to your apartment or house.

What carries air from nose to lungs?

nothing carries it, it travels down your trachea or wind pipe

How do cities get their water?

Through pipe systems; most of city water comes from groundwater compartments, called aquifers, which people retrieve using wells.

Hot water pipe or cold water pipe which will rust first?

Hot water pipe rust first as compared to the cold water pipe for the same chemical composition of the water.

Will water flow out of a pipe if the pipe is covered with water?

Yes, as long as the water coming out of the pipe has a greater pressure than the water that is covering the pipe. If it is the other way around, the water covering the pipe will actually flow into the pipe. Think about it. It just makes sense.

What is water supply water pipe?

Supply coming from water source is a water service line.

What kind of pipe does water go through?

A water pipe.

Which pipe goes to hot water heater?

Cold water pipe.

How do you test a perforated pipe?

Not with air! Run water in pipe at highest elevation of pipe and see that water drains at end of pipe system.