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Q: What is a place called where penguins hold there babies called?
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Related questions

When can you hold my babies?

I can hold your babies whenever you give them to me.

How long do penguins hold their breath?

According to the film 'March of the Penguins' (2005) they can hold their breath for about 20 minutes.Penguins can hold their breath for 20 minutes underwater.20 min

What is the function of the Penguins flipper?

To hold its testicals

How long can penguins hold there breath?

They can hold there breath over 15 minutes

How do real penguins breath on land and in water?

Real penguins breathe air, and hold their breath when they are underwater.

Can penguins hold there breath for 7 minutes?


How long can penguins hold their breath?

2.3 hours

How long do penguins hold there breath?

they can hold their breath 20 minutes under water

Place where luggage is kept in plane is called?

The place where luggage is kept in an airplane is called the cargo hold.

How long can emperor penguins hold their breath?

2.3 hours

Can you hold your hamster after she has babies?


How do penguins breathe in and out of water?

They don't. They are merely very good at holding their breath.