

What is a polysaccaride?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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a carbohydrate composed of mainly monosaccharide units- answer by Matt. Walton

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A polysaccaride.

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Which of these is an example of polysaccaride?


Where is the energy in a polysaccaride stored?

in the bonds between atoms

What are three important polysaccaride?

Starch, glycogen and cellulose are three important polysaccarides.

What element is herapin?

Herapin is a polysaccaride. Polysaccharides have a general formula of Cn(H2O)n-1 where n is number between 200 and 2500

What are plant cell wells composed of?

Plant cell walls are mostly composed of a polysaccaride called cellulose that cannot be digested by most mammals. It is instead broken down by bacteria in the intestines of mammals, such as E. Coli.

What disaccharide breaks into 2 mono saccharides?

All disaccharides break into 2 monosaccharides. 'Mono' meaning one and 'Di' meaning two. Anything with more than two combined monosaccharides would be a polysaccaride.

What is the carbohydrate formed from sugar?

It can be a Monosaccahride (1 sugar ring), Disaccahride (2 sugar rings), or Polysaccaride (3 or more sugar rings). It could be more specific but I would need to know more about the sugar.

What is the structural polysaccaride found in plant cells?

cell wall Cell walls are found in plants and not in animal cells; however, fungi also have cell walls and they are not plants or animals.

Why is the joining of four glucose molecules to form a polysaccaride an example of dehydration synthesis?

It is dehydration because it is a carbohydrate,it is synthesised because it is a bunch of mono saccarides put together

How do you identify disaccharides?

a substance can eaither be a monosaccaride (one) disaccaride (2) or polysaccaride (more than two)