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Q: What is a posative connotation for simple?
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Is determined a negative connotation?

No it is a positive connotation.

What does a posative divided by a posative equal?

A positive. +X/+X = +X ====

Why isnt the absolute value of a over b always a over b?

the absolute value of a over b is not the invers. it is a posative number of a over b. when you see the absolute value, just change it to a posative number. if it is posative, you have your answer.

What is a connotation for non-athletic?

Not sports minded

What is a negitive divided by a negitive?

the result is posative

What if the slope has two negatives?

its a posative slope

Do rubidium have positive or negative iron?

They have a posative iron.

What direction do electrical charge flow?

negative to posative

Is subtracting a negative the same as adding a posative?


Does a negative plus a posative equals?

it depends on the number

how do i know if my blood type is ab posative?

To find out whether you have AB blood, you would have to ask your doctor to find out the type. He or she should be able to do this with a simple blood test, and I believe, it can be done in the office.

What is a negative number divided by a posative number?

A negative number