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Q: What is a positively-charged partica found free or in a nucleus?
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Is the ribosome in the nucleus?

Ribosomes are synthesized in the nucleolus by combining rRNA which is made there and ribosomal proteins that are synthesized in the cytoplasm and are imported into the nucleus. The ribosome is exported out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm or are deposited on the rough ER. Ribosomes do not become fully active until they leave the nucleus.

What is the location of the neutron?

a neutron's location in an atom is in the core, or nucleus, of that atom.Where_is_the_neutrons_location_in_the_atom

Is a nucleolus found in bacteria cells?

Bacteria does not have a nucleus. The DNA material in not enclosed by a membrane, but is rather free floating in the bacteria cell but is refereed to as a nucleoid region. While I am unsure if bacteria have a nucleolus, I do know that bacteria do have ribosome which are produced by the nucleolus. Hope this leads you in the right direction. YES. because bacteria cells do have ribosomes and the nucleolus produces them.

Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that lack a?

Prokaryotes don't have a nucleus - their DNA is floating free in the cell cytoplasm. in other words they lack a Nucleus

The nucleolus produces what?

The nucleolus is a dense collection of RNA and proteins found inside the nucleus. It is the site of ribosome production. It makes two subunits which are shipped out of the nucleus separately and they are then assembled in the cytoplasm at the RER or are found free.

Is the endoplasmic reticulum found in a prokayotic cell?

No. Prokaryotes have no organelles beyond the nucleoid (free-floating loop of DNA, not bound in a nucleus), the cell membrane and wall, the ribosomes, and the cytoplasm.

Which neucleus is not within the radius of an atom?

A free proton is the nucleus of hydrogen atom and free alpha particle is the nucleus of helium atom and they may exist out side the atomic radius.

Where is RNA found in your cells?

Prokaryotic cells typically have a single molecule of DNA in a closed loop floating free in a region of the cytoplasm called the nucleoid. Many species of prokaryotes also contain DNA in tiny ringlets known as plasmids in the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic cells are typically about ten times larger than prokaryotic cells and have a nucleus containing numerous strands of DNA. DNA: nucleus RNA:cytoplasm

What is true of prokaryotes but not eukaryotes?

A eukaryote has a 'true' (membrane enclosed) nucleus and extensive system of membrane enclosed organelles, such as; mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus ect. and the ribosomes are found both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the rough ER. Prokaryotes have no membrane enclosed organelles or nucleus and the chromatin material is free is the cytoplasm, often in a "nuclear area", the Ribosomes in prokaryotes are all free in the cytoplasm.

In nuclear fission reactions what causes the atom's nucleus to become unstable?

the absorption of a free-moving neutron by the atom's nucleus

Why would placing a cell nucleus inside a nucleus- free egg cell enable the egg to begin dividing?

The cell nucleus contains the information (instuctions) to do so.