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Most likely an infection of some sort, if the infected person ate something unusual in the past few days or up to a week ago, it might be food poisoning. If the condition worsens or the person begins suffering from dehydration or starvation, or has any other new symptoms get them to see a doctor immediately.

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Q: What is a possible diagnosis to vomiting everything and anything and not being able to hold anything down for days and a rise in white blood cells?
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Pain related to Biliary spasm, Risk for fluid volume deficit and electrolyte imbalance related to Nausea and vomiting

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i honestly don't think anything is helpful during vomiting, unless u are vomiting because u are sick. after vomiting during sickness sometimes it can make u feel well again!

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your dog could have a blockage in the digestive tract vomiting after drinking could mean nothing is passing through. Has dog passed any poo. If not it sounds like hay is stuck somewhere. i would get a vet to check dog out as can be very serious.

Is there anything which can be done to control vomiting during pregnancy?

just drink salt water

Will eating moldy bread cause diarrha?

Actually mold is organic so it is not that bad for you. My friend by accident once ate moldy almonds and didn't realize till she looked at them, she did not get sick. It depends on the type of mold. The medical consensus these days is not to induce vomiting for suspected poisons, but to get to the ER as soon as possible. Administering things to induce vomiting can complicate a poisoning diagnosis, since the stuff given to induce vomiting is also a poison and has symptoms similar to common poisons.

What are the after effects of alcohol?

Dizziness, headaches, tiredness and vomiting can be possible effects of abusing alcohol.

Ive been vomiting bile what should you do?

You need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Can your period cause diarrea?

Yes, it is possible. Other symptoms can include: Vomiting Nausea