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Q: What is a previous case that gives guidance to other judges hearing similar cases?
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A previous case offering guidance to other judges hearing similar cases is called what?


What a precedent is and how it relates to interpreting law?

Precedent, in legal terms, is the decision of judges in similar court cases to yours. If there is a previous case that is similar with a decision, the judge must follow the precedent unless the facts are distinguishable.

An appellate court hearing where all of the judges on the court consider the case as opposed to a panel of three judges is called?

En banc

How do judges make their decisions?

Judges make decision after hearing both the sides of the evidence, the document produced and the law of the land being enforced in that particular state.

Are there courtrooms or judges in Jonas's community?

No, there are no courtrooms or judges in Jonas's community. Disputes and wrongdoings are instead resolved by the Elders in a formal hearing called a "Committee of Elders."

What is a body of rulings made by judges based on previous court decisions?

case law

What is the meaning of robed brethren?

Members of sect of judges. The British judges wear the special kind of robs when the enter the court for hearing. Group of those people are called robed brethren

Do judges get vacations?

Judges do get vacations. In fact, some judges in the Federal system only sit for a specific number of months during the year. When they aren't actively hearing cases they are working on cases that have been accepted for appeal and they can take time off.

What does the 9th grievances in the declaration of independence mean?

He controlled all judges by controlling their salaries. Appointed judges can face similar biases if they are appointed.

What are laws based on common sense and judges previous decisions?

Common law and case law is derived from previous decisions. There is no law based simply on common sense.

Can a Judge force your 17.6 year old daughter to continue visiting her father if she does not want to visit him anymore We live in Il.?

At the age of 12 a child can tell the judge if they want to see said parent. However, the child must abide by the judges ruling from any other previous hearing.

How did the judges lead the Israelite's?

The judges in the Bible were appointed by God to lead the Israelites when they needed guidance or rescue from oppression. They played a role in administering justice, delivering the people from enemies, and calling the Israelites back to worship God.