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Q: What is a procedure performed in a controlled setting to test a hypothesis and collect data.?
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After the scientist makes a hypothesis they perform a what to collect data?

They make a controlled experiment.

What are the steps of a scientific investigation?

First you need a purpose. The purpose should start with the purpose if my investigation is. Next is the hypothesis. The hypothesis has to have if, then, and because. Then is your materials and procedure. After that, you have to collect the data. Then there is the anaylisis. The anaylisis has to have I learned that. Finally, there is the conclusion. It has to have four sentences. I learned that, my hypothesis was..., my hypothesis was correct or incorrect, and next time I will.

What do you perform after a hypothesis to collect data?

An Experiment

What do scientists do to help them make an hypothesis or collect data?

scientist do to collect data or hypothesis,easy way was reaserch about a specific thing or doing an experimentation,observation,then their we have the proven hypothesis right...... Waka-waka_01

Why is it important to test your hypothesis and collect evidence?

A hypothesis is a testable statement. To check the accuracy of your statement, you need to design an experiment to test it and collect data. Then you analyze your data to see how well it supported your hypothesis.

What is a method of answering scientific questions by testing a hypothesis through the use of a series of carefully controlled steps?

What is a series of carefully planned steps that test a hypothesis?

After the scientist makes a hypothesis they perform a to collect data?

the answer is the scientist designs a scientific inquiry

A question regarding Hypothesis test?


Scientists make blank to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment?

Scientists make observations to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment.

Which steps do scientists take when investigating the natural world?

Form a question. Develop a hypothesis. Make observations. Conduct controlled experiments. Make predictions. Collect data. Analyze data. Develop a conclusion.

After a scienctist makes an hypothesis what do they perform to collect data?


What does a scientist perform to collect data after he makes a hypothesis?
