

What is a product column?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: What is a product column?
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How do you EXCEL Trying To Link One Word In Column B To Input A Different Word In Column G For Example Column B Is A Product Name. Column G Is The Chemical Composition. When Ever The Word product Is I?

It looks as if you want to do a lookup - look up data in a table, in one column, and return the value next to it, in another column. The vlookup() function does just that.

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From the Crude Splitter Column top tray, gasoline in vapor form is condensed in the condenser overhead vessel. The gasoline product from the vessel is sent to the gasoline stripper column. The bottom product of this gasoline stripper column is termed SR Gasoline.

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An Industrial Column is the course that a product follows from it's unprocessed natural resource state to the final form in which it is supplied to the customer.

How do you create a vlookup function for a product type?

You first need to set up a table. You could have a column with product codes and a column with the product description. To keep it simple, say you had a product table with 10 products. In the cells from B2 to B11, you could have the codes. In the cells C2 to C11 you could have the name of the product. The codes should be in alphabetical or numerical order. VLOOKUP will search down that column and when it finds a code it will jump to the second column to the cell beside the code and display the product code. You could then type a code into a blank cell and get the VLOOKUP to display the product description. Say you type your code into cell B15. The VLOOKUP function would be in another cell, say C15, and it would be like this: =VLOOKUP(B15,B2:C11,2) You can make a larger table with more products and even add other columns, such as price in a third column, say column D. To get the price, the table would now go to column D and the 2 at the end of the example above would be a 3, to indicate the third column like this: =VLOOKUP(B15,B2:D11,3)

What is the purpose of Reflux in an oil refinery?

The reflux is the return of top product condensate from a distillation column back to the top of the column where it is able to flow down the column aiding with cooling and thus condensation in the column. It increases efficiency and enables a lower amount of theoretical plates to be used in the column.

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column The correct answer is: Record This is because I answered column on my test and got it is record.

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Single column depends upon small differences in conductivity between sample ions and elutent ions. Suppressor based ion exchange has a second ion exchange column, (suppressor) after the original ion exchanger that converts ions to a limited charged product.

What happens when the reflux is increased in a distillation column?

When more overhead liquid product is refluxed in a distillation column the liquid rate in the column increases. This may or may not be an optimal change in the column. Too little reflux will not have the proper vapor-liquid contact to promote separation and the overhead product will may meet the desired concentration specification. Too much reflux will flood the column and lead to wasted energy and cooling utilities associated with condensing more vapor than necessary. On a McCabe Thiele diagram for a binary distillation, increasing the reflux will decrease the slope of the stripping operating line. Typically the optimum reflux ratio (overhead product sent back to the column divided by distillate removed) is the theoretical minimum reflux ratio multiplied by a factor of 1.2-1.5.

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LiOH, Lithium Hydroxide, same reaction for all the metals in that column of the periodic table

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Calcium and carbonate (a component of alkalinity) can precipitate from the water column if the product of the concentration of each of them rises too high.

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if a column vector such as x y is multiplied by a raw vector such as ( 2 0), ( 2 o) x y = 2x so 2x is the image of x y

When Excel is installed the default chart type for a PowerPoint slide is what chart?

A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.