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Q: What is a program that produce routine reports as output?
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Differentiate a spreadsheet from a spreadsheet program?

A spread sheet program, such as Micosoft Excel or Lotus 123, is a pre-developed and pre-tested software program that allows a user who knows how to use the program to produce an output, commonly referred to as a spread sheet. The producer is the program and its output is a spreadsheet.

What type of content do accounting information systems produce?

The output content may encompass almost any type of financial report, from budgets and tax reports to multinational financial statements and sustainability reports.

What is accuracy of a good program?

It depends on to what level of accuracy you tend to have with the output of your program Accuracy can be treated as: (Desired Output / Actual Output of your Program)

What kinds of mistakes may cause a computer to produce a faulty output?

Here are three ways a computer may produce faulty output: (a) There is a bug in the program. (b) Incorrect data are input into the system. (c) A query for information is entered incorrectly.

Which documentation is typically written first input output internal program or external program?

Output documentation

Gross domestic product GDP measures and reports output?

Gross domestic product GDP measures and reports output in the local currency. This is one of the ways of measuring the economy of a country.

What is printer and why do we use them?

A printer is an output device that reproduces data on paper. We use printer in order to produce hard copy of some important documents, like certificates, reports, figures etc.

What is input -output bound program?

input output bound program is a program (or process in precise way), which spends most of time allocated to it for execution, on input/output devices and need very small CPU time for it.

Can A Computer Output Electricity In Computercraft you can say if true output power on this side Can you say in a program to output power say to light a light So if true then output power to led's?

A Computer Output Electricity in Computercraft cannot be said to make a program to output power, regardless of the side.

How do you append a output of a program to a program?

you mean like show some sample output? Just put it in comments at the bottom. Run the program, and in the top left of the command prompt there is a button you can click. Select mark, highlight the output, then select copy. Paste it onto the end of the program.

What does an artist's output mean?

could be canvas Answer 2: No, sorry, their output is the works they produce.

What is a extra copie of a document or a program?

It is an output!