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Q: What is a psychic question?
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How do you spell psychic and claravoint?

The word psychic as spelt as you have in the question.. The other word you are searching for is spelt clairvoyant.

Will your psychic call you back?

If they have true psychic abilities - they will know you've asked this question - and definitely call you back !

What school am i in?

This is not the psychic network so we can't answer the question.

Why do you have a bump on your scalp?

This is not the psychic network so there is no answer to your question.

Why do i have my name?

Only you can answer this question. We don't know you nor are we psychic.

Is my name mckenna?

This question can't be answered. This is not the Psychic Network.

How do psychic powers develop?

I believe the Online Psychic has answered this question better than I could. See the related link below

Psychics say the have this ability?

next time give a clear question, have what ability? the psychic ability. everyone has it, and really anyone can be a psychic, it is completley true, and there have been tests, and they came out positive. I am a psychic.

What is stronger than psychic?

Sorry I don't understand this question. Stronger is what way?

What is super affective to psychic?

Effective in what way? I need more info to answer this question.

How do solar flares affect psychic abilities?

They don't. Next question, please . . .

Am I a psychic?

No, Psychics know things and as you have to ask this question you obviously do no know things.