

What is a random color?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Yellow! :D

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Q: What is a random color?
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1. Open up notepad 2. Type the following: @echo off color 02 :start echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% goto :start 3. Save it as matrix.bat Note: It HAS to be saved as .bat

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No it is random.

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Ummm.... kind of a random question, but im thinking gold or silver :)

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If there was, then it would be of some random color.

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Know one knows for sure. You just get a random color flower.

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It's random.

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If you're meaning on Howrse (the tags are confusing me a bit lol, sorry xD), the coat color would be at random. The color of the parents' coats do not affect the foal's, and it's at random.

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I have no idea why you care, but vomit cant be any colour but pink and purple.

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The color of the flowers on Moshi Monsters is random. That is the way the game was designed. The soil has nothing to do with the color of the flowers.