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Sumation of contraction

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Q: What is a rapid repetitive series of threshold stimuli leading to a single fused sustained contraction?
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A rapid repetitive series of threshold stimuli leading to a single fused sustained contraction is A summation of stimuli B treppe C tetanus D sumation of contraction?

a. summation of stimuli

Some muscle fibers always contracted?

Summation and/or tetanic contraction. Summation is increased muscle contraction until maximal sustained contraction is achieved. Tetanic contraction is sustained muscle contraction without relaxation. If you're inquiring for the Learning Objective Review in an anatomy and physiology course, the question refers to a condition in which some fibers are always contracted... so I'm not sure if they're looking for summation or tetanic contraction - but I think it would be tetanic contraction as summation is more the process leading up to the tetanic contraction...

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The comparison was due to the repetitive, isolated tasks, leading to alienation.

Differences between vasodilation and vasoconstriction?

Vasodilation is relaxation of blood vessels leading to increase in lumen size. Vasoconstriction is contraction of blood vessels leading to decrease in lumen size.

What happens to the brain while under the effect of alchol?

Brain looses its fluidity because of alcohol leading contraction of brain.

What is automaticity of the heart?

The property that allows any cell in the cardiac muscle to begin an action potential, or a cardiac conduction, leading to cardiac contraction.

What will happen if the government decreases spending and everything else remains constant?

If the government decreases spending and everything else remains constant, there will be a decrease in aggregate demand, leading to a slowdown of economic growth or even leading to a contraction of the economy.

What is isometric movement?

Isotonic contraction results in shortening of the muscle, leading to movement. In Isometric contraction, as the name implies, there is no change in length of the muscle. Thus, it can't lead to any movement. However, Isometric contraction adds or removes power from a movement, thus facilitating or retarding it. This, facilitation and retardation itself gives us a feeling of movement, for example walking, even in the total absence of actual movement i.e. walking. This feeling of movement induced by isometric contraction is known as Isometric movement. We use isometric movements in thinking and dreaming.

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it's a site for fertilization. Ovum is carried along oviduct by beating action of cilia and contraction of muscular wall of oviduct.

How does adrenline effect heart rate?

Adrenaline acts on the Beta-1 adrenoceptors on the heart muscle to increase the heart rate and the force of the contraction. Leading to more blood being pumped around the body at a higher pace.