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Its surrounded by mountains

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Q: What is a reason the Phoenicians traded by sea instead of by land?
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How did trade help the Phoencians?

Trade helped the Phoenicians by allowing them to grow wealthy and powerful through their dominance of maritime trade routes in the Mediterranean. They traded goods such as purple dye, glassware, and cedar wood, creating extensive networks and partnerships with other civilizations. This brought them prosperity and cultural exchange.

How much farm land did the ancient Phoenicians have?

umm it means farm land

Why did the Phoenicians become traders instead of farmers?

They were farmers who became traders. As their population grew larger then the land they held in the Levant could support, they had the choice of conquering more land to farm, or trading. They selected the latter.

When did the Phoenicians come to Lebanon?

Nomads in search of arable land.

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The Tiguas Indians traded with Texas. They traded land.

How long was the Phoenicians voyage to the founded land of Carthage?

A week's sailing.

How did Phoenicians from Mesopotamia ship grain from ancient grain warehouses?

by land

What is the transportation of the Phoenicians?

Because there was not enough land to grow crops to feed all of the Phoenicians, they had to turn to the sea for trade. So they mostly used ships for transportation. I would have to guess that on land, they would just walk.

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Land O Lakes is a private Co-Op of dairy farmers. It is not publicly traded and does not have a ticker symbol.

Which land did the germanics invadad from Carthage?

The Carthaginians were Phoenicians - a Semitic people, not Germanic.

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they traded with the Indians and claimed land

Which modern country is the land once occupied by the ancient Phoenicians?

Lebanon... This is the answer my history book gave me!!