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Q: What is a red sun At night mean?
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What weather prediction did the proverb line Red sky at night sailor and delight make?

A red sun at morning, Sailor take warning. A red sun at night Is a Sailor's delight. So storms would come after a red sun at morning and pleasant weather after a red sun at night.

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A red moon or "blood on the moon" is sometimes referred to in witchcraft which symbolizes that a loved one is in danger or dead.A red sun is typically thought to predict the weather patterns for sailors. "A red sun in the morning, sailor's warning. A red sun at night, sailor's delight."

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The moon is white and the sun is orange/red. The moon appears at night and the sun appears at day. YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS

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Party night.

What does the red mean on the Turkish flag?

bofore the rebublic green was on the flag. ( Islamic color ) but after Turkish War oF independence , red means blood all of died for this nation.

What does the symbols mean on the Japanese flag mean?

The red circle on the Japan flag represents the rising red sun

What does a red dot mean in Japanese?

If you mean the dot on the flag, it represents a rising sun, which is why Japan is "The Land of the Rising Sun".

What is it called when the sun is blocked e?

it mean "night" or esclipse.....I think

What is the effect of the rotation of earth?

seasons if you mean around the sun. day/night if you mean on its axis.