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Q: What is a region of space that has a physical quantity?
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What is meant by unit of physical quantity?

A standard use for a measurement of a physical quantity is called the unit of that physical quantity

Is distance a physical quantity?

Yes, it is a physical quantity (Fundamental)

What is the physical significance of gradient of any physical quantity?

the gradient of a scalar function of any quantity is defined as a vector field having magnitude equal to the maximum space rate of change of the quantity and having a direction identical with the direction of displacement along which the rate of change is maximum.

Is pain a physical or non physical quantity?

yes pain is non physical quantity.

What is meant by signal?

A signal is defined as a the physical quantity that varies with time, space or any other indepenent variables.

A physical quantity that has both magnitude and directions is?

Such a physical quantity is a vector.

Is tranquility a physical quantity as the inverse of velocity?

velocity is a measure of how fast an object is traveling through space in a discrete amount of time, tranquility in the other hand can measure how long an object is at a particular place in space all of these quantities can be measured in a physics laboratory; so yes tranquility as the inverse of velocity is a physical quantity.

The quantity of space on object occupies?

volume is the quantity of space an object take up.

What physical quantity?

a physical quantity is either within physics that can be measured (eg:mass,volume) or the result of a measurement.a physical quantity is usually expressed as the product of numerical value and a physical sukhpreet 9th a d.p.s faridkot

Does a quantity have different dimensions in different systems of units?

No. The dimensions are: Mass, Length, Time, and Charge. They transcend the systems of units. For example, speed will always have the dimensions of (Length)/(Time), regardless of the system of units.

A physical quantity described by both magnitude and direction is called what?

A physical quantity that is specified by both magnitude and direction is a vector by definition.

Which physical quantity is analogous to mass?

With your kind permission, mass is a physical quantity,and doesn't need an analog to be understood.