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Q: What is a romantic person?
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Is Barcelona a romantic city?

Cleveland could be romantic if you are with the right person.

What part of speech is romantic?

Romantic can be used as an adjective and a noun. Adjective: Suzie is not a romantic person. Noun: Her husband is a hopeless romantic.

How do i know if a friendship is really a romantic friendship?

Ask yourself these questions: Do I like this person? Am I willing to be in a romantic relationship with this person? If so, is that person possibly willing to be in a romantic relationship with me? And then ask the other person the following question: Are we just friends, or are we something more? If the answer is something more than you will know that it is not a friendship, it is a romantic relationship

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Can a gay man have romantic feelings for a woman?

Yes, it is possible for a gay man to have romantic feelings for a woman. Sexual orientation and romantic attraction can be separate. While a person may primarily experience same-sex attraction, they can still develop romantic feelings for someone of a different gender. Sexual and romantic orientations are complex and can vary from person to person.

What is an aro?

An aro is a person who is not inclined towards being romantic - an aromantic person.

Is The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra a romantic symphony?


How do you change romantic into noun?

To change "romantic" into a noun, you can use the word "romanticism." This noun refers to a tendency to view or present things in a romantic light, often associated with idealized emotions or feelings.

What is the abstract noun for the word romantic?

The noun romantic is a singular, common, abstract noun; a person with romantic beliefs or attitudes; a romantic writer, composer, or artist. Another noun form is romance. The word romantic is also an adjective.

How do you tell a person you like them but your a nobody to them?

Do something bold and romantic.

What voice did the American romantic poets create?

The first person

What is an aromantic?

An aromantic is a person who does not experience romantic attraction to others.