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Q: What is a scientific question for a boiling water experiment?
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das cuz

What is the independent variable in this experiment what effect does table salt have on the temperature of boiling water?

the temp of water (what they changed)

What kind of experiment would explain separation of salt water solution?

evaporation or boiling!!!

A hypothesis is the correct explanation for some scientific question?

no a hypothesis is your guess of what the outcome is going to be in your experiment. For example. My experiment's question is to see what happens when I mix salt with water. My Hypothesis is the salt will float. Now the correct outcome is the salt sinked. I hope I helped you.

What is manipulated variables in experiment about boiling point of water?

Manipulated variables are variables that a scientist deliberately adds in to tweak the outcome of his or her experiment. For instance, a scientist may choose to add certain compounds into a pot of water to see if it may affect the boiling point.

What kind of experiment can be done to separate hydrochloric acid from water?

Boiling the water solution the hydrogen chloride is released as a gas.

Why leaf is dipped in boiling water?

Is this question for real

Why water is considered as a good controller in scientific experiments?

B/c it's easy to determine when it's reached boiling point or freezing point. Any experiment needing those either or both of two temperatures can use water as reference point.

How does pure water increase the boiling point?

Pure water does not increase - or in any other way affect - the boiling teperature of water becasue the latter is normally taken to be that for pure water!The question does not make sense. What type of water is it whose boiling temperature is meant to be increased by pure water? Impure water?In any case, pure water does not increase the boiling point of water but lowers it.

How will you find the boiling point of water?

Do the experiment yourself and boil some water, you'll find its about 100 degrees Celsius, depending on its purity. or google

What do you observe whenm boiling water?

To me this question is about thinking like if you did the experiment... What I observed as the can containing water as it was heated on the burner was the first minute the water was not as hot after about 2 more minutes the water started to boil as steam came to the top opening of the can. I hope this helps you and Be sure to put it in your own words...

What is the simple physical test to show that a sample of water is pure?

A scientific test you do on water similar to a chemical test