

What is a seaweeds habitat?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is a seaweeds habitat?
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What is the big group seaweeds?

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What is the big groups of seaweeds?

Seaweeds troop

Are seaweeds a plant?

Seaweeds are not plants it is a type of algae

What accounts for the similarity between seaweeds and plants?

Plants are the ancestors of seaweeds. Convergent evolution caused their similarity. Both evolved from brown algae. Seaweeds are the ancestors of plants. Seaweeds are aquatic plants.

Describe the problems that seaweeds have to cope with?

Seaweeds have to deal with propellors, turtles, crustateans, and other nautical paracites.

what are the three types of habitat?

Freshwater habitat: Rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams are examples of freshwater habitat. Fish, frog, duck, lotus, and water lily are found in fresh water, Marine water habitat: Oceans and seas form the largest habitat on the planet. Some commonly found animals are whale, dolphins, sharks, octopus, starfish, jellyfish, seahorse, etc, and plants, seaweeds are the most common. Coastal habitat: Coastal habitat refers to the region where the land meets the sea.

Which countries are seaweeds grown?

Asian countries Seaweeds are not grown in countries they are grown in oceans.

What are mushrooms and seaweeds?

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of a fungus. Seaweeds are plants that live in the sea.

What kinds of seaweeds are there in this world and where can you find the information?

there are lots of seaweeds ..... some of them are used as food. there are sea lettuce, Ulva sp. or the hairy green seaweed, seagrasses, green seaweeds that look like grapes, and different feathery green seaweeds and feathery green seaweeds and seagrasses, green seaweeds that look like grapes, and different feathery green seaweeds and feathery green seaweeds and seagrasses, brown seaweeds and red seaweeds, Ornate leaf slug (Elysia ornata) and a tiny hairy Bryopsis slug that is still awaiting identification and is often seen on the Hairy green seaweed (Bryopsis sp.) and the tiny Halimeda slug (Pusilla sp.) often seen on Big coin green seaweed (Halimeda sp.)See related link

Is seaweed in the monera kingdom?

No , , sea weeds are not included in kingdom Monera but in Kingdon Protista Seaweeds belong to three kingdoms: Kingdom Plantae (chlorophyte, or "green" algae seaweeds), Kingdom Plantae (rhodophyte, or "red" algae seaweeds), Kingdom Chromista (phaeophyte, or "brown" algae seaweeds) Kingdom Chromista (xanthophyte, or "yellow-green" algae seaweeds), and Kingdom Bacteria (cyanophyte, or "blue-green" algae seaweeds).

Of other living things like seaweeds and mushroom?

Of other living things like the mushroom and seaweeds?

Is seaweeds is a plant?
