

What is a seed competition?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What is a seed competition?
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What is the advantage of seed that can be spread over a wide area?

They may have more competition

Do seed eating birds feed at different times of the day to avoid competition?

There are some seed eating birds that feed at different times to avoid competition. Others do it to avoid conflict from other birds, and some eat with other birds.

A seed that is dispersed to an area far away from the parent plant might face less?


How can a dandelion seed's ability to be carried on the wind help reduce competition among dandelion plants?

Dandelions disperse their seeds using the wind. The wind can blow the seed miles away from its parent. Therefore the new dandelion will not have to compete with the parent plant for space or water.

Is seed dispersal important for plants?

Yes, seed dispersal is important for plants. It allows them to colonize new areas and reduce competition with parent plants. It also increases genetic diversity within a population and promotes the survival and adaptation of plants to different environments.

How did word seed come about in sport?

It is called a seed because of the analogy with plants where the seed might grow into a top rank at the end of that tournament, or the seed might instead wither away. Players/teams are 'planted' into the bracket in a manner that is typically intended so that the best don't meet until later in the competition.

Can you plant grass seed in August in NH?

You can, but keep it watered. Early autumn is generally thought to be the best time to plant grass in the Northeastern US. Fall is definitely a better option for you if your lawn has high sun exposure. If you plant grass seed now, there will be less competition from the weeds and crab grass that are abundant in the spring. Also many weed killers can prevent grass seed from germinating.

What are the Three levels of competition?

direct competition, indirect competition and budget competition

What is seed dispercal?

Seed-disperal is a process by which seeds are spead or scattered over a wide area. Seeds falling beneath the parent plant face the disadvantage of: a)getting little light within plant's shade. b)competition with parent plant for water and nutrients. c)crowed conditions, leading to poor growth.

When organism in a community have a contest against each other for the life requirements what are they doing?

They are having a competition

What are the four types of competition in marketing channel?

Horizontal competition, Inter-type competition, vertical competition, channel system competition

How and where are seeds produced?

the production of seeds from plants Seed production is the sexual method of reproduction in plants. It helps to acquire new genetic combinations and ensures survival of plant progeny in adverse climatic conditions.