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Q: What is a sentence for Subject subject verb verb?
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Waved to the pigs is that a complete sentence?

no, every sentence needs a subject and a verb. waved is a verb but there is no subject. the subject is who or what is doing the verb.

Is they a verb or subject?

"They" is a pronoun that is used as a subject in a sentence. It is not a verb.

Is 'here's why a sentence?

No. A sentence must contain a subject and a verb. "Here's why" does not have a subject or a verb.

Is 'They made culinary desserts' a sentence?

Does it have a subject and a verb? The subject is "They" and the verb is "made" so it is a sentence. A proper sentence must have a subject and a verb and make sense.

A group of word having a subject and a verb?

A sentence is a string of words with both a subject and a verb. A sentence without either a subject or a verb is incomplete.

How To find the subject of a sentence?

To find the subject of a sentence, identify who or what the sentence is about. The subject is typically a noun or pronoun that performs the action of the sentence. Look for the main verb in the sentence, and ask who or what is doing that action. That will be your subject.

a group words having a subject and a verb?

A sentence is a string of words with both a subject and a verb. A sentence without either a subject or a verb is incomplete.

Is the sentence a coyote's bushy tail a simple subject?

No. There is no subject in this sentence, the subject comes before the verb and there is no verb in this sentence.The coyote has a bushy tail. verb = has, subject = coyote

What is the subject and verb in the following sentence He was at the Edinburgh Infirmary?

The subject is he, and the verb is was.

What is the subject and verb in this sentence Here is the answer to your problem?

the subject is problem and the verb is answer

What states what a subject does is in a sentence?

The verb tells what the subject is doing in a sentence.

What is the differents between a sentence and none sentence?

A sentence requires a subject and a verb, without those, it's not a sentence. "Into the water" is not a sentence; when you add a subject and a verb, "My keys fell into the water." you have a sentence. The subject is 'keys', the verb is 'fell'.