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My mother put on a tirade when she saw the condition of my bedroom!

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Q: What is a sentence for Tirade?
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Could you use tirade in a sentence?

In reply, he let loose a tirade of abuse and obscenity.

How do you use tirade in a sentence?

since tirade means to rant, to let loose all anger, a sentence u might use with this word might be like this: He went into a tirade because he could not restrain himself.

How do you use splenetic in a sentence?

His splenetic tirade was horrifying.

How do you make a sentence by using tirade?

We finally pushed mom over the edge, and she went on a two hour tirade about how we needed to be more responsible.

How do you use the word tirade in a compound sentence?

Bob got a tirade from his parents because he didn't do his homework

A sentence using tirade?

tirade means a long, scolding speech.It is a long angry speech which may deal with a single theme, such as a tirade against smoking

Example of tirade in a sentence?

Jane's three-year old wanted cookies but Jane did not want him to have the cookies because it had too much sugar and artificial stuff. Jimmy proceeded to throw a big tirade of screaming and crying in the store. Jane had to leave the store and her shopping cart due to his tirade.

Use tirade in a sentence?

Osama bin laden himself mentioned the iraq sanctions in a recent tiradeagainst the united states.

What is an example sentence with 'typhoon'?

Batten down those hatches before the typhoon overtakes us. Her tirade was a veritable typhoon of troublesome tracts.

What part of speech is the word Tirade?

The word "tirade" is a noun. It refers to a long, angry speech or rant.

What is the antonym of tirade?

The antonym of tirade could be calmness, composure, or tranquility.

What's the name for a angry speech?
