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The foundations to our new house extend 14 feet down to the solid bedrock.

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Q: What is a sentence for the word bedrock?
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How do I use bed rock in a sentence?

Bedrock is all one word. I met a guy that said he was from the town of Bedrock.

How do you use the word foundation in a sentence?

"The castle was to be built upon a foundation of bedrock."

Can you use bedrock in a sentence?

yes example:I dug really deep and found the bedrock beneath the soil.

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Is bedrock a noun?

Yes, the word 'bedrock' is a noun, a word for the solid rock that lies beneath the loose surface deposits of soil; a word for the fundamental principles on which something is based; a word for a thing.

How do you use subsoil in a sentence?

Three layers of the Earth are soil, subsoil and bedrock.

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What town does the flinstones live in?

The name of the town in Flintstones is Bedrock.

Where do the flint stones live?

Bedrock! "from the, town of Bedrock"

What Is The Song BedRock about?

He want to get in ur bed and make it rock!!... (run)

What are the bedrock of ICTs?

What is the bedrock of icts

What name is given to solid rock beneath the soil?

== == This layer is called bedrock.