

What is a sentence for the word cauterize?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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After the doctor removed the growth from her arm, he sent a portion of it to the pathology department, and then he cauterized the wound in order to prevent any bleeding and also to sterilize it.

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Q: What is a sentence for the word cauterize?
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How do you use the word cauterize in a sentence?

Medical treatments may use heat, electricity, or chemical reactions to cauterize a bleeding wound. The doctors used a silver nitrate rod to cauterize her nosebleed.

Can you use the word cauterize in a sentence?

He reaches Ella just in time, and remembering some forgotten movie he decides to cauterize the wound with the Knife of Orokiah.

How do you use cauterize in sentence?

The doctor had to cauterize the wound to stop the bleeding quickly.

What are some words containing the root word caut?

Caution, cautious, cauterize.

What is cauterize bronchitis?

Cauterize-- To seal tissue or blood vessels using a heat or electrical source.

When was Something Beautiful - Cauterize song - created?

Something Beautiful - Cauterize song - was created in 2003.

What rhymes with cauterize?

Smaller fries!

What are some antonyms for cauterize?

Cauterize does not really have a precise antonym, however, since it is a process that involves burning, an approximate antonym would be freeze.

What is used by dentists to cauterize gums?

They do nothing.

What words have the Latin root caut in them?

"Cautious," "caution," "cauterize," "cautery," and "cauterize" are words that have the Latin root "caut."

What words have the Greek root because in them?

caustic and cauterize