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the man had to facilitate the papers in the printer

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Q: What is a sentence using facilitate?
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Show you how to write a sentence using the word facilitate?

Money can facilitate your success. Facilitate your way around here!

Can you use the word facilitate in a sentence?

They tried to facilitate the needs of the community.

How do you use facilitate in sentence?

"I would like to facilitate your English homework by providing you with a dictionary."

What is a sentence for the word faciliate?

The teacher's role is to facilitate learning by providing resources and support to help students succeed.

The standard English sentence order is subject verb object how does this facilitate ease of communication for the reader?

The Standard English sentence order is subject-verb-object. How does this facilitate clarity and ease of communication for the reader?

The Standard English sentence order is subject-verb-object How does this facilitate clarity and ease of communication for the reader?

The Standard English sentence order is subject-verb-object. How does this facilitate clarity and ease of communication for the reader?

The standard English sentence order is subject-verb-object. How does this facilitate clarity and ease of communication for the reader?

The Standard English sentence order is subject-verb-object. How does this facilitate clarity and ease of communication for the reader?

What is a sentence using the word facilitated?

(facilitate : make possible, make easier)Providing complete information will facilitate the processing of your claim.His role is to facilitate the cultural exchanges between member states.When converting a book to a movie, sometimes things must be changed to facilitate what cannot be shown (things that are appropriate for print but not for video).Marie, the chairperson of our Community Giving Committee, will facilitate the collection and distribution of charitable funds this year.Marie will facilitate the collection and distribution of funds by setting up and staffing the collection points, and by making contact with the organizations we usually support.

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How do you write a sentence with the word facilitate?

The teacher used technology to facilitate communication and collaboration among her students during the online class.

What is a sentence using the word not?

I am not writing a sentence using that word.

What is a sentence using the word aquit?

this is a sentence using aquit