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Oh my goodness, I just found out my neighbor is a witch and is in a cult!

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Q: What is a sentence with the word cult?
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It takes a certain naivete to join a cult.

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The cult's followers were filled with fanatical devotion.

How do you use cult in a sentence?

The ancient cult met in secret.

How do you use the word cult in a sentence?

Examples:The other members of the group have become cultcelebrities, too.Discusses the public cult of celebrity in which humanity is less significant than its image.

Can you use cult in a sentence?


How do you use the word prescience in a sentence?

The cult leader had charisma and sense of prescience which enabled him to attract many searching souls.

What are some sentence examples using the word colonists?

A cult of strange people with a fetish for the anus were known as the colon-ists

Can you give me a sentence for the word fast?

yep Sonic the hedgehog runs very fast. The cult members held fast to their beliefs .

What is a sentence using the word transfigure?

In the French film 'Martyrs', the cult attempts to transfigure its victim, through extreme physical and psychological torture, into a personification of divinity.

What is the Abbreviation of the word cultural?

The abbreviation of the word cultural is "cult."

How do you use the word hypostasis in a sentence?

The patient was being treated for hypostasis, as blood was pooling in his major organs. The hypostasis of the cult was the familiar complaint that technology was leading humanity into atheism.

What does the word cult mean in for example cult movie or cult comic?

A cult movie or comic is a movie/comic that has acquired a highly devoted but specific group of fans. Often, cult movies have failed to achieve fame outside of the small fanbases