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Q: What is a serf the same as in a fuedal system?
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Related questions

Where did tailors from the middle ages fit into the fuedal system?

They would have been in the Serf class, along with the business people, tavern owners and blacksmiths.

Who is the top person of the fuedal system?


What are noblemen?

noble men are very powerful in the fuedal system .

What do serf become if they work hard?

In a feudal system, a serf would remain a serf no matter how hard they were to work.

How did fuedal system and centralization cause contrubute to the outbreak of the hundred year war?

Fuedal system helped William,duke of Normandy to collect taxes from the people of England with the help of sherriffs.

What is the name of a system where nobles gave land to others in exchange for services?

the fuedal system

Serf was the same as a?


Did the feudal system exist in Tudor times?

No, it did not. The fuedal system was only brought into Britain in Norman times.

Was the feudal system a good method?

It depends whether you were a serf or a lord. If you were a lord it was generally good. If you were a serf it wasn't a very good system

Who were the winners and losers of the feudal system?

the winners and losers of the fuedal and it depends if its a king or a vassal.

How did the Black Death lead to the decline of the fuedal system?

Alot of people started dying

How did most serf serfs about the manor system?

They felt scared