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Spider syndrome caused by a recessive autosomal allele.

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Q: What is a severe skeletal deformity that can occur predominantly in suffolk sheep?
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How do you use deformity in a sentence?

The man had a severe deformity, making all of his peers gasp at his ugly figure.

What was the movie about the guy with the severe skull deformity?

The film is called "Mask". See the related link for more info about the film.

How do you use the word foreleg in a sentence?

The sheep had a severe deformity which caused its foreleg to turn inward, hampering its efforts to walk.

Can douche kill sperm cells?

no salt water wont kill sperm but it can lead to severe developmental disabilities as well as genetic deformity

What is a chronic progressive neuromuscular disorder that causes severe skeletal muscle weakness?

myasthenia gravis

Can related rabbits have babies?

Yes, they can. It's commonly referred to as inbreeding and can lead to health issues, deformity's, and in severe cases, a vastly shortened lifespan.

Is Ankylosing spondylitis treated with surgery?

Only in severe cases of deformity is surgery performed to straighten and realign the spine, or to replace knee, shoulder, or hip joints

What inspired R.J. Palacio to write?

R.J. Palacio was inspired to write "Wonder" after an incident where she encountered a child with a severe facial deformity. This experience led her to explore the themes of kindness, empathy, and acceptance in her novel.

Who should not get lithotripsy?

ESWL should not be considered for persons with severe skeletal deformities, people weighing more than 300 lb (136 kg)

What is newborn talipes calcaneovalgus?

Newborn talipes calcaneovalgus, also known as positional talipes calcaneovalgus, is a foot deformity in newborns where the foot is twisted outward and bent upward at the ankle. It is usually due to abnormal positioning in the womb and tends to resolve on its own without treatment. Gentle stretching exercises and positioning techniques can help correct the deformity in more severe cases.

When you fall down what happens to the skeletal system?

it depends upon the height and distance. if we fall from a height we may get fractures in the bones or severe injuries. if we fall from a less height we may not get such injuries.

Does the heart work with the skeletal system?

The skeletal system helps protect your heart from severe injures, its "shelters" your heart. Lets say you fall, your axial system will break the fall, without it you would be dead by now. There are 2 types of skeletal systems, the axial, and the appendicular. You can live without the appendicular, but it supports your body, the axial is the most important bones such as: the cranium (skull), your spinal cord, and your ribs. You ABSOLUTELY CANNOT live without the axial system.