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Q: What is a shell like folds in the nasal cavity?
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What are the groove like passageways in the nasal cavity formed by the conchae called?

The passageways are called the inferior meatus, the middle meatus and the superior meatus.

What stimulates the chemicals dissolving in the nasal cavity?

The Nasal Cavity is lined with a type of tissue called "Nasal Mucousa " a Mucous Membrane that is always wet to moist and secretes a liquid that is "Saline based" or Salt based it also contains other minerals and all the bodily secreted fluids act as a catalyst sort of like Digestive acid in your stomach and starts the breakdown process and then the Nasal Mucousa also has another quality about it, It has a great ability for Absorption this then allows you to benefit from it by being able to absorb Nasally sprayed medications and the always moist Mucous Membrane helps catch dust, micro bugs, Pollens etc. before you inhale them causing more Mucous to be secreted.

What are the ribbonlike folds on the inner lining of the mitochondrial called?

The ribbon-like folds on the inner lining of the mitochondrial membrane are called cristae.

In what ways does the nose help by purifying air?

The nasal cavity is occupied to a large extent by nasal conchae.These are turbinate bones which project into the nasal cavity with the purpose of supporting the olfactory mucus membranes and increasing the respiratory surface area, creating turbulence within the passing air.There are three turbinates (inferior, middle and superior) on each side of the nose, and their job is to clean and humidify the air as it moves through your nose into your lungs.The mucous is sticky and will trap particles like dust, bacteria and pollen. This is going to move down the throat where it will end up in the stomach where nothing can live. You also will blow it out of your nose and throw it way.

What are the ribbonlike folds on the inner lining of the mitochondrial membrane call?

The ribbon-like folds on the inner lining of the mitochondrial membrane are called cristae.

Related questions

What is the purpose of the nasal cavity?

Like the oral cavity (the mouth) you can breath in and out with this.

What is the function of the nasal cavity?

When you inhale, air is drawn into the nasal cavity, which warms, moistens and filters the incoming air. The nasal cavity includes mucus, immunologic tissue in the form of the adenoids to combat allergens, and a pathway to excrete mucus during times of infection/illness. In addition, neuroreceptors for the sense of smell are located in the nasal cavity.

Is the cilia part of a nose?

Yes. They are tiny hair like filters in the nasal cavity.

What is the scroll-like structure in the nasal cavity that directs air into the pharynx?

I believe it is the "concha"(plural: conchae)

When you snort somthing where does it go?

whatever is snorted passes through the nasal cavity, then proceeds to the lungs, like anything you inhale.

How does the chimpanzee do respiration?

The chinchilla receives oxygen through an opening in the anal cavity and CO2 is expelled through the nasal cavity.

What is best to reduce inflammation in nasal cavity?

The best approach to reducing inflammation in the nasal cavity is to start with eliminating the cause. The most common cause is the common cold, which will get better in seven to ten days without treatment. Other causes, like allergy or irritants, can be controlled by changing the environment.

What are the groove like passageways in the nasal cavity formed by the conchae called?

The passageways are called the inferior meatus, the middle meatus and the superior meatus.

What are nasal turbinates?

The nasal cavity is occupied to a large extent by nasal conchae. These are turbinate bones which project into the nasal cavity with the purpose of supporting the olfactory mucus membranes and increasing the respiratory surface area and they creating turbulence as air passes through.There are three turbinates (inferior, middle and superior) on each side of the nose, and their job is to clean and humidify the air as it moves through your nose into your lungs.

What is a nasal lavage?

Saline solution is poured into one nostril and allowed to flow out the other nostril. Then, the process is repeated in reverse

What are the nasal and oral sounds?

Nasal sounds are produced by allowing air to escape through the nasal cavity, such as in the sounds "m" and "n." Oral sounds are produced with the airflow coming out of the mouth, like "p" and "s." Both types of sounds play a significant role in speech production and language articulation.

Microorganisms trapped in the mucus of the nasal cavity are most likely to be transported to the?

How can I put it ... BOGIES! The mucus in the nasal cavity is rich in antibodies and other immune factors, and the cells lining the cavity also have tiny, hair-like protrusions known as cilia, which gradually waft the mucous layer away from the interior. The mucus dries, and falls away from the nose in particles of all sizes from the microscopic to the rather large lumps of dried snot that can be so pleasant to watch small children retrieve and use as dietary supplements.