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Q: What is a shift in the electrical potential across a plasma membrane toward 0mv?
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What is a membrane potential?

a voltage or electrical charge across the plasma membrane

When ions move across a plasma membrane what will happen?

they create a flow of electrical currrent that can disturb the resting membrane potential.

What factors contribute to the membrane potential of a cell?

There are many factors that contribute to the membrane potential of a cell. The driving force of ions which are a summation of voltage gradient and concentration gradient are an important one. Also other proteins and amino acids contribute to the cell's membrane potential.

How plasma membrane diffuse across plasma membrane?

Ions can't diffuse across membranes, they must used channels to transport across

What moves marerials across the plasma membrane in the direction of the concentration?

Active transportation is the material that across plasma membrane. This makes it flow one way.

What slight shift away from the resting membrane potential in a specific region of the plasma membrane is called a?

local potential

What does NOT influence the rate of diffusion of a chemical across a plasma membrane?

Besides the concentration of the chemical, the pore size of the plasma membrane, and the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm - nothing else influences the rate of diffusion of a chemical across a plasma membrane.

What is the process that utilizes a carrier to move marerials across the plasma membrane in the direction of the concentration?

Diffusion is what carries materials across the plasma membrane. The diffusion cannot be moved across water.

Does egg albumin moves across a plasma membrane?


What does the difference in the K and Na concentration on either side of the plasma membrane and permeability of the membrane to those ions generate?

resting membrane potential

What is the Electrical condition of a plasma membrane of a resting neuron?


What is the process that utilizes a carrier to move materials across the plasma membrane in the direction of the concentration gradient that does not use ATP?

Active Transport