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some times the person choking will cough but if they cant most likely they will have their hands around their thought and their face will start to turn red then blue then if you cant get it out by doing the Heimlich they will pass out you need to gently lay them on the floor and call 911 immediately.

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Q: What is a sign of choking?
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Why do you have to hold your arms up when choking?

Its part of the accepted sign that you are choking. Actually, you want to make a chopping motion towards your neck.

Who developed the universal sign of choking?

clutching the throat

What sign would you make if you were choking to let someone now you are?

I would put my hands around my neck and make some choking noises.

What does the choke signal mean?

This is problebly one of the most STUPIDEST questions i have answerd but it means that someone is choking or cant breath. i would suggest the himleck menover. The Other answer: If Dude has his hands over his throat, that's the choking sign. He'll probably be gagging and turning blue. The choking sign doesn't mean anything except that Dude is choking (analyze the name!). Choking means something is stuck in Dude's throat and he can't breathe

What you wear to work should never pose a?

Tripping risk? Choking hazard? Sign to your coworkers that you aren't ready to work?

What effect does choking have on your lungs?

Choking affects the lungs by choking

Is choking abuse?

Someone choking you, YES.

What are the signs of choking?

The universal sign is someone who has their hands at their throats. Other signs are an inability to breath or make sounds because the windpipe is blocked off. Or there may be some wheezing sounds because the windpipe is partially blocked.

What if your baby is choking by the stomach cord?

Call 911! It doesn't matter what the baby is choking on, just that it's choking.

What is the precaution for choking for adults?

The precaution for choking for adults is the same as it is for children. To prevent choking thoroughly chew food.

Which term is also known as choking?

Choking can be explained as an airway obstruction.