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he/she ignores you and if you call him/she he/she dosent lift the phone. if you ask him/her out he/she dosent come.

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Q: What is a sign that tells you that your crush doesn't like you?
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If your crush's sister tells your sister that your crush likes you, it's a good sign that your crush may have feelings for you. It might be a good idea to talk to your crush directly to confirm these feelings and see where things go from there. Communication is key in situations like this.

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he does not like you

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Well he could like you. or she could like you

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It likely means that the guy you like has shown interest in you to his friend, who is now sharing that information with you. It's a positive sign that he may have feelings for you.

What happens when your friend tells a girl that you have a crush on her and she checks you out?

She will than come talk to your about your feelings and will later on share her feelings about you if or if not she shares the crush but in general when she checks you out its a sign of accepting the situation and a slight feeling towards you.

Does robbie like kat?

In the show Victorious, there is no sign of Robbie having a crush on Cat.

What do you do if you have had a crush on someone for at least a year?

The fact that you asked this question tells me that you might have been thinking about this person a lot over the past year. Seeing that you keep thinking about them so much, that is probably the sign that you have feelings for them.

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the sign that lookes like a backwards N

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a yellow sign with an arrow shaped like an S

What do you do if your crush is far away from you?

Nothing.A crush seldom lasts long and it is a sign of immaturity.

Who does sam on iCarly like?

Freddy most likely cause they kissed just to get it over with but i think he doesnt want to tell her

What is a sign that you girlfriend have a new crush or something like that?

When shes hanging out with other guys and laughing at there jokes and complimenting them alot.