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Q: What is a significant difference between viral pneumonia and bacteria pneumonia?
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What result from Griffith experiment suggested that the cause of pneumonia was not a chemical poison released by the diseases causing bacteria?

The difference between "walking pneumonia" and "true pneumonia".

What result from griffith's experiments suggested that the cause of pneumonia was not a chemical poison released by the disease-causing bacteria?

The difference between "walking pneumonia" and "true pneumonia".

What is the difference between a lung infection and pnuenomia?

Pneumonia is one type of lung infection, but not all infections are pneumonia. It depends on which sort of bacteria are causing the infection and where in the lungs the infection is.

Why arent bacteria classified as plants?

They were, in the past. Or at least some of them. The people who decided to place them in a separate kingdom decided that there were significant difference between bacteria and plants.

What is the difference between bacteria and living organisms?

No difference. Bacteria are living organisms.

What's difference between pneumonitis and pneumonia?

Pneumonia involves the swelling or inflammation lung tissue and it is infectious whereas pneumonitis is not infectious.

What is the difference between unicellular protoctists and a bacterium?

the difference between bacteria and protoctist is that the protoctist have a necleus while the bacteria don't.... in other words the bacteria is a prokaryotes and the protoctist is a eukaryotes

What is the difference between fungal pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia?

as far as I remember, Bacteria make spore to resist and protect themselves from advrse environmental conditions, but forming spore in Fungus is just a step of their reproduction, both sexual and asexual; so bacterial spore is more resistant to harsh conditions rather than fungal spores.Dr. Kaveh Haratian

What is the difference between bacteria and bacterium?

bacteria is plural and bacterium is singular

What is the difference between cyano bacteria and bacteria?

bacterias have plasmids. but cyno-bacteria haven't plamids.

What is the main difference between whales and bacteria?

Whales are big and bacteria are small

What is the difference between a spore and a coccus-shaped bacteria?

spore and coccus bacteria