

Best Answer

"There are many methods for removing blackheads. The key is to do it safely. One suggestion is steaming one's face. Exfoliation is another. Suggested products for acne and blackheads include Clearasil Acne Fighting Facial Moisturizers, Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Face Lotion, Beta Hydroxy Acid Liquid, Biore pore strips, and RoC Daily Microdermabrasion Cleansing Disk."

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Q: What is a simple and safe method for removing blackheads from the face?
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Related questions

What is best method for the removal of blackheads?

The best offense against blackheads is a good defense. Make sure to wash your face daily and keep it moisturized.

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What causes pimples and blackheads?

Oily Faces. You have to WASH YOUR FACE!!

How can you get rid of all the blackheads on your face?

Acne and Blackhead medicine.

What is the fastest way to get rid of blackheads?

i dont know whether its the fastest but its FAST! first steam your face (if you can if not it'll only be a couple of days longer with blackheads then cut a tomato in two and rub it into your blackheads. do this everyday.

How can teenagers get blackheads on there face by wearing makeup?

Blackheads are caused when obstructions block up the pores of the skin,these obstructions can be caused by many things such as excess oil build up,common dirt particles from just being active outside,dirt particles from your hands to your face and of course using make up such as liquid foundations, blush, eye shadows, facial powders, liners ect. To avoid/lessen the chances of getting blackheads from wearing make up the face should be washed throughly with a make up removing cold cream,and then wiped with a medicated facial pad that removes excess oil and dirt.. As with most all teenagers there will still be the occasional out break of blackheads and/or pimples..

How can you get rid of all your blackheads on your face?

To get rid of blackheads i used the trick of getting a tomato cutting in in half and using the juicy side and rub it on the area where the blackheads are. I tried it and it does work in about a week you will be seeing good results. If not that, then use acne free or clearasel cleanser. you can steam your face and then rub the tomato on you get quicker results then. you could also scrub your face with a toothbrush and body scrub... It really works and it works instantly

How do you get rid of blackheads on the nose?

Scrub your face twice a day. ( make sure you are scrubbing your nose )

How do you use the oil cleaning method for your face?

Try this website. It has the answer, pure and very simple.

What is the best cure for blackheads?

Use a 1-2% Salicylic acid lotion or gel on the affected area daily. Salicylic acid dissolves the sebum in the pore that causes the blackheads.

What is a natural remedy for pumps and blackheads in the face that works?

all i have to say about that is to wash your face with soap and water every morning and every night. If you want to get rid of your blackheads with storebought chemecals buy the nutrogina blackhead eraser, Its a cream that works! It took out some of my blackheads in only 2 washes! Use 3 times a day though! (Morning after work/school and before you go to sleep)

What can you use for blackheads on your face?

There are tons of products on the market, but you should be careful if you have sensitive skin not to use something too harsh or too often. There's nothing like an occasional facial to take care of blackheads.