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Q: What is a single cell that can develop into a new plant exactly like the plant that produced it is call a?
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A single cell that can develop into a new plant exactly like the plant that produced it is called?

Dean Wenchester

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Can a plant grow from an adventitious roots of a single leaf?

Yes, because plant cells are totipotent and as such can develop from a single cell

What is the function of the zone of differentiation?

Area in plant roots where recently produced cells develop into different cell types

What are partial products.?

Partial productivity measures are indicators used to analyze activities in terms of a single input (e.g., units produced per worker, units produced per plant, units produced per hour, or units produced per quantity of material).

By which process can a group of genetically identical plants be rapidly produced from the cells of a single plant?

cloning/Tisssue culture

How do you use unifoliate in a sentence?

The unifoliate plant produced a single large leaf at the end of its stem.

How a plant meristem cell knows that it had to develop which organ?

Plant meristem cells are totipotent hence these can develop into an entire plant. Development of different plant organs depends on morphogenesis of that plant.

What are partial productivity measures?

Partial productivity measures are indicators used to analyze activities in terms of a single input (e.g., units produced per worker, units produced per plant, units produced per hour, or units produced per quantity of material).

What is acid produced by plant roots?

Auxins is the name of the acid produced by some plant roots.

Pollen grains develop in what?

Pollen grains are often called as microspores or male gametes. They are produced in pollen sacs present in pollen chambers in the anthers of the flower. They are produced due to repeated division of microspore mothercells and are haploid (n).

What is a partially develop plant?

A plant that has hair in awkward places