

What is a skirter?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: What is a skirter?
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 67 words with the pattern S-I--ER. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter I and 6th letter E and 7th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: shicker shidder shifter shikker shimmer shinier shipper shirker skidder skieyer skimmer skinker skinner skinter skipper skirter skitter skivier slicker slidder slimier slimmer slinger slinker slinter slipper slither slitter smicker smirker snicker snidier sniffer snifter snigger snipier snipper soilier spicier spicker spieler spikier spiller spinier spinner spirier spitter sticker stiever stiffer stifler stiller stilter stinger stinker stinter stirrer stivier swifter swigger swiller swimmer swinger swinker swipier swisher swither