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Q: What is a small negative charge used for?
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What is delta negative and delta positive?

delta is used in differential calculus as well as other places to indicate a very small amount. Taking water as an example, the oxygen carries a very samll charge and the hydrogens a small positive charge even though the molecule is covalently bonded. The small charge on the hydrogen (as opposed to a full positive charge) is called delta popsitive) and thus the charge on the oxygen is delta negative or more strictly 2 delta negative.

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A cation has a positive charge and an anion has a negative charge.

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Which element holds electrons more tightly in CO?

The molecule of carbon monoxide is slightly polarized; oxygen has a small positive charge and carbon has a small negative charge.

What charge is a negative?

A charge which is not a positive charge is a negative charge.

What subatomic particle has a very small mass and a negative charge?

Electrons have a negative charge. When an element had more electrons than protons, it tends to have a negative charge.

What is the negative charge in atoms?

Electrons have an electrical negative charge.

Which is the appropriate representation of the H - F bond where fluorine is more electronegative than hydrogen?

A polar bond with a small negative charge on the fluorine and a small positive charge on the hydrogen

What charge electron charge positive or negative?

Electrons carry a negative charge to balance out the positive charge of the proton.

What charge is electrons?

Electrons charge is a negative

What is the effect of negative charge on the mass of a body?

No measurable effect at all. The electrons which cause the negative charge have such an unbelievably small mass that billions of them cannot make any observable change to the mass.

Why do electrons not have a charge?

They do have a charge, it's negative